Welcome to my new Blog The Musings and Gleanings of a Sci-fi Chick. Who am I and why did I start this blog. Well, basically it's a place for me to rant about my favorite Geeky topics. Why did I choose to start blogging? Well, I've been toying with the idea of Blogging for a while but my fire wasn't lit until the other day when I was perusing a category on Pineterst openly titled “Geek”, when it occurred to me that Girl Geeks are everywhere now days. When did this happen? Seriously, of the 600 pins I have on that site over half of my repins come from my geek inspired boards. That’s right. Tons of women and girls on that site don’t care about what crafts I want to try or which products and recipes I love. NO, they have been repinning the R2-D2 boyshorts I fancy or the Skyrim music video I found. What up? Have we finally arrived at an age when a girl can be as openly geeky as the boys? Hell ya, and I’m sooo damn glad! And may I say…It’s about freaking time!
When I was lass admitting to being any type of “Fan Girl” just wasn’t done! I watched Star Trek over my brother’s shoulder and learned quickly that other girls my age did not want practice the Vulcan nerve pinch. Whaddup? Seriously? How does a gal NOT want to find a way to drop a man to his knees completely unconscious? A skill I was sure would be handy in the future. But, to my chagrin, my Cabbage Patch loving friends were having none of it. Disappointing to say the least. So, I quickly learned to keep all my geek love on the downlow.
By my early teens I was viewing movies like Flashdance and Valley Girl with my girlfriends. Which was fine and part of the ‘80’s experience. But, secretly, I really wanted to go see Krull and Return of the Jedi with the boys. That’s right girls, in the ‘80’s I was supposed to love Boy George NOT Boba Fett. Luckily, I had an older brother to use as an excuse to go see movies like Blade Runner (I am fairly sure I was the only thirteen-year old girl in the audience that day). Tragically, the day came that my older brother went to college and I could no longer ride his coat tails. I knew that I had to quickly find a way to make friends with some geek boys.
In a few months I had successfully cultivated some nice little friendships and was able to openly enjoy Douglas Adams books and go see movies like Tron and The Terminator with my peers. While that was all well and good ultimately my gender prevented me from receiving the “Golden Ticket” of geek invites. The invite that would have put a new “pip” on my collar and promoted me to Ensign of Geekness…. being invited to play Dungeons and Dragons. Yes, it’s true I was completely shut out of the D&D experience. I would longingly watch the D & D game sessions happening during the lunch hour and think I have just been “minionized” by the boys! Plllbbbbbbb! Thus, being forever shut out. But no worries, I’ve gotten over it…really…REALLY! (awkward pause)
Anyhoo, luckily VHS became popular in the mid-80’s, timely to say the least. My parents had moved our family overseas and I lost touch with all my geeks and VHS allowed me to bask in a whole new level of Geekdom! Now available to me, in the privacy of my home, were movies such as Planet of the Apes, 2001, Highlander and Mad Max. It was glorious! Unfortunately, while my knowledge and love for Sci-fi became vast my compunction to openly admit my Über Geek status was not happening. After all, I was living the New Wave lifestyle in Europe. Geek was not cool. Come on, do you really think Claire and Andy would hang out with Brian again after their Saturday detention was over. I think not! They were just using him to write that Breakfast Club Essay! Hence, I was still in the “geek closet” and really remained there until my last few years of college. Where the Midnight showing of Bill and Ted was my staple geek fix.
Eventually, I started to espy that female Sci-fi characters were becoming super badass. I noticed that people were quoting lines said by female heroines e.g. “Get away from her you, Bitch!”. Soon the funny and cool quips were not solely the property of Arnold Schwarzenegger. More and more kick ass lines like “You stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking Nerf herder” or “Good Morning, Dr. Silberman. How's the knee?” where popping up all over the place. So, younger generations of girls were now seeing the women kicking butt and taking names. Allowing strong female leads to suddenly become cool. Hooray! Finally! But, by then I was a grown up and I didn’t have time for such my geeky pursuits and so I tucked my geek away!
Then in my mid twenty’s some amazing things happened to me. Which allowed me to embrace my Über Geek! The first event being that I met my future husband. I knew second he told me he was a video game programmer and then took down my digits in some geek gadget it was a match made in heaven! For the first time I was able to hanging out with someone who would see the first 4 seconds of any Star Trek episode and could tell you exactly which episode it was! How sexy was that? Any true Fan Girl will tell you…VERY sexy! And he totally got bonus points for introducing me to Red Dwarf.
But, I would have to say the tipping point for when I felt truly free to openly embrace my Über Geek happened when I was an adult working my first real job. I had been teaching High School Theatre for about two years when I started hearing the rumblings from my students and from some of my adult friends about a little TV show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Finally, a network station was airing a TV show about a normal girl who suddenly becomes a superhero. The main character got to date cute boys AND kill the“Big Bads”! Without, mind you, help from the boys and still made it to the Prom on time. All the while managing to look fabulous! An Über Geek Girl’s dream! But alas, writing about Buffy and joy of embracing all things Geek would be another 4 pages. So, I will save those Musing and Gleanings for another blog. Instead, I will conclude by saying that I started this blog for one reason. For years I've been enjoying life as Über Geek but have been looking for a place to let my “Geek Flag” fly!!!! I have a ton of Geeky trivia and thoughts rolling around in my head and want a place to rant about it. Hence, the birth of my blog.
The unfortunate truth is, that being a “late blooming” Geek preventing me from established friendships with other Über Geek Gals my age. I know they’re out there somewhere they just don’t live in the Texas Hill Country. Don't get me wrong I have lovely,cool and funny friends, but very few of them want to debate who was the best "Doctor". I’ve tried to attend social events like “Geeks Who Drink” but the reality is...Geeks… NOT that social. LOL, its true! Geeks are a tight knit community and if you didn’t arrive there with your established set of geek pals you’re not likely to make any instant friends. So, I decided to start writing this blog as an outlet to talk about my favorite things. I am looking forward to randomly discussing all things Geeky!
Five by Five
The Sci-Fi Chick
OMG We soooo should have been better friends in high school. The best Doctor IMO was Robert Picardo if we're talking ST. If referring to Doctor Who...well, I'm still catching up on my episodes/seasons/versions. My favorite vampire movie for the longest time was Near Dark. Seen it? And I admit being in love with the vampire with a soul--still have a poster if Angel in my garage. :) Looking forward to reading more. ~Sandy~
ReplyDeleteThanks goodness we have a chance to better friends NOW! My next "Muse" is a a rant about some the female characters in George R.R. Martin's "Game of Thrones"!
DeleteBTW, I AM referring to Dr.Who. LOL. Since I write how I speak you'll notice I LINK (the words in blue) all pop cultural references in my blog to a web page for more information just in case no one knows what the hell I'm talking about. I'm so am completely used to no one understanding my Sci-fi speak if figured it would be an important tool for my blog. ;)
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ReplyDeleteMy comment was all mangled and jangled up... trying again.
DeleteThere can be only One. You've got red on you. Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother, and my sisters, and my brothers. Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning. Lo, they do call to me. They bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever. Spaceships are for acrobats who are also mathematicians. Help me, Obi-wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. Leeloo Dallas, Multipass. Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape! Paul - "Get away from her, you bitch!" (version 2.0). Would you like a jelly baby? Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast. Ooh. Ah. That's how it starts. Then comes the running and the screaming. Greetings from The Humungus! The Lord Humungus! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla! I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away? Do... or do not. There is no try. There is no spoon. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.
ReplyDeleteIs this a test? LOL
ReplyDeleteHighlander, Shaun of the Dead, ????(got me),Starship Troopers, Star Wars A New Hope, AWWWW..dunno, Planet of the Apes, Version 2.0 what?, Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, Jurassic Park II, Road Warrior, 2001 (Hal), Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back, The Matrix, Blade Runner (I prefer the original not a fan of the director's cut).
I bow to your geeky greatness!
DeleteCorrect, correct, The 13th Warrior (Michael Crichton's "Eaters of the Dead"), correct, correct, The 5th Element, correct, Paul (Simon Pegg/Nick Frost's long-time pet project, and they used Ripley's line), correct, correct, correct, correct, correct, Aliens (you left it out), correct, correct, correct.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't a quiz. LOL Just trying to impress you with my amazing knowledge. Hah! Pretty good list for "off the top of my head" (though I did look up the Bladerunner quote to get it right). As for Bladerunner, I don't know which I like best... have seen three or four versions... but in the end I'll defer to Ridley Scott's vision.
Color me impressed!!!
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ReplyDeleteI used to watch old Star Trek episodes when I was 7 and I graduated to Xena when I was 9. I didn't know I was different until I hit middle school, then I just didn't care. I have a 3 month old and I feel its my duty to teach her to be the best geek she can be.
ReplyDeleteAgreed! I am raising geek girls too!
DeleteI am so sorry that I have not allowed my "freak Geek " flag fly in front of you. I will be there for you, sister.
ReplyDeleteLive ling and prosper
LOL, I know! I am glad we've been able to connect on that level! We need to get together!