
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mobile Musing #1

Twilight Breaking Dawn-Part 2 A Mobile Musing
2 out of 5 SciFi Chicks Recommend this film

This is my first mobile musing, a trend I hope to continue. The musing is audio mix with still photography. You'll have to click on the link below to hear the Musing! Enjoy!

Please note: The first half of the review is recorded at home but the "mobile" half is recorded on a traveling microphone so, the sound quality changes and you will hear "road noise".  

The following images are here just to enhance the audio portion!

What I was hoping to see...
Bella being a completely badass vampire!

Stephenie Meyer's world building is the reason I kept reading the books but the mythos of the Volturi and the Werewolf pack always played second fiddle to the love story in the films:

The characters that have the most interesting histories, powers and story lines take a back seat in the films making the movies just devoid of the "cool" factor that the books provide.

The only character in the movie or saga that fits the Scifi Chick's criteria for a badass worthy of a place in my 
"Kickass Female Leads" list:
Alice Cullen


  1. I love Alice haircut in that picture... I tried to get the hairdresser to cut it that way... but she failed :(
